i-Naturalist Nature Tracker


Volunteer role:

i-Naturalist Nature Tracker

Why do we need you?

Urban Wilderness are working with Keele University and the Longton Community to find out what species - plant, insect and animal - share our town.

What You Will Be Doing:

  • Register with us as a Nature Tracker Volunteer.

  • Download the free iNaturalist app to your smartphone. 

  • In your own time, go outside and take photos of plants, insects, birds or animals.

  • Upload them onto the iNaturalist app.

Who will this suit?

Anyone who likes to spend time outdoors, or who like to spend more time outdoors.

You can do this on your own, as a family, or as a group.

It is a self-managed activity.

What you will need: Equipment, skills

A smartphone (iPhone or Android).

Basic phone use skills: able to download apps, use camera.


Whenever the weather is nice and you have the time.


Outside. This can be your garden, street, town centre, park or on a visit to the countryside.

You can join in from anywhere in the world.

Urban Wilderness are regularly tracking iNaturalist activity in Stoke on Trent.

How often:

There’s no requirement, but aim for once a week.

How we’ll all know if it’s going well:

We will keep count of your tracking via the iNaturalist app. 

When you register with us and we’ll arrange regular times to find out how it’s going.

You will report to:

Jenny Harper is leading on iNaturalist data support.

What we will give you:

Support to download and set up the i-Naturalist app.


  • You will contribute to international data collection to help wildlife. 

  • Scientists use iNaturalist to track how well different plant and animal species are doing, which is really important during this time of climate emergency.

  • The app can help you identify new plants and insects.

  • There are health benefits to getting outside and learning about nature.

I’ve got questions:

Email us: info@urbanwildernesscic.com