Hallam, J., Gallagher, L. and Owen K. (2022). ‘I'm not the best at art’: An exploration of children's growing sense of artistry within an outdoor, arts-based intervention. Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Hallam, J., Gallagher, L. and Owen K. (2021). The secret language of flowers: insights from an outdoor, arts-based intervention designed to connect primary school children to locally accessible nature. Environmental Education Research.
Hallam, J., Gallagher, L., and Harvey, C. (2021). 'I don't wanna go . I'm staying. This is my home now.' Analysis of an intervention for connecting young people to nature. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.
Hallam J., Gallagher, L. and Harvey (2019). ‘We’ve been exploring and adventuring.’ An investigation into young people’s engagement with a semi-wild, disused space. The Humanistic Psychologist.
Hallam, J. and Gallagher, L. (2021). ‘How can co-creative community arts practices inspire nature connection in young people? A collaboration between arts and academic practice researchers’ Workshop presented at Young Nature, British Ecological Society 23rd June
Hallam, J. and Gallagher, L., (2019a). ‘I’m going to hug the tree’ Insights from a youth led intervention designed to facilitate a connection to nature with young people in a low SES area. Paper presented at the Valuing Nature conference, Royal Society, London 28th-29th October
Hallam, J. and Gallagher, L., (2019b). ‘If we don’t tidy this up where are people going to play?’ Insights from a youth-led, community based place making project. Paper presented at the Playful planet – For a child friendly world conference. Bristol 27th-29tth November.
Hallam, J., Gallagher, L., Harvey, C. (2019). ‘We’ve been exploring and adventuring.’ An investigation into young people’s engagement with a semi-wild, disused space. Paper presented at the Nature Connections conference, University of Derby 2nd July.